Torsten Haag Werkstatt für Filz und Farben
Torsten Haag Werkstatt für Filz und Farben
When and how my affinity for fabric and its various uses began, I cannot say for sure. But for as long as I can remember, I’ve passionately enjoyed working with textiles. Nowadays I am particularly interested in the possible means of expression beyond the traditional quilting technique. This applies most of all to the motifs, the designs and concepts regarding content. Quilting provides the technical basis for my textile works, but the artistic design remains open, which is why I like to call it “freestyle”.
Alles zum Thema Schnittmuster, DIY-Ideen, Fotografie, Reisen und meinem Camperumbau.
JESSICA LIVSEY ART. In 2003, fibre was founded at the Craft and Design Centre in Manchester’s Northern Quarter. For the past 20 years, Jessica has specialised in producing framed, contemporary textile pieces and handmade cards for all occasions.
Natalie designs prints and patterns inspired by nature for a range of home textiles, lighting, upholstery, gifts and stationery.
Tina Francis is a tapestry needlepoint artist whose work uses second hand wool to explore the themes of loss and memory.
Based in Clitheroe, in the beautiful Ribble valley, Art of the Loom is proud to be a part of a family of Lancashire textiles manufacturers since the beginning of the industrial revolution.