Natural dyer and Textile Designer. Naturally dyed textiles and considered methods of making for the preservation of the natural world and for the benefit of human health.
Natural dyer and Textile Designer. Naturally dyed textiles and considered methods of making for the preservation of the natural world and for the benefit of human health.
Unique craft kits, paper keepsakes and gifts to treasure.
Make and Fable, home of colourful macrame craft kits, patterns and eBooks. You will also find lots of free jewellery and craft tutorials.
Marton Mills is a family-owned company established in 1931. Our textiles include a stock supported range of pure wool tartans and Shetland tweeds, as well as a range of blends which are used to create our industry leading fabrics. All woven in West Yorkshire, an area which has been world famous since the 18th century for producing high quality textiles.
Abbotsford are a leading designer and manufacturer of high-quality woven fabrics, for use across commercial and domestic interiors. Woven with style, performance and practicality that meet legal standards, contract regulations and are manufactured to be used in the toughest environments. As a supplier to many of the country’s leading commercial businesses, and independent retailers, we offer a renowned portfolio of stock supported fabrics, with the flexibility of a bespoke service for all interiors alike, whether you require contract fabric, or domestic fabric. Our extensive fabric collections offer a myriad of colours, distinctive textures, and unique designs. From our Classic Melton to our Exquisite Heathers collection, every range of fabrics offer a variety of styles to develop individual or corporate identities. Being part of the SIL Group, a vertically integrated group of textile companies with brands recognised on the world stage for their heritage and unrivalled quality, we have the ability to complete the entire process from start to finish in our UK mills. The group is formed by people with a real working knowledge and passion for textiles. Through our fibres division we have direct access to the finest raw materials sourced from around the world, creating relationships with trusted partners whose values align to our own, ensuring sustainability and traceability through to entire chain. The Yarns are sourced from within the group and come with an assurance of quality having been put through our own in-house testing facility, the expertise of the team from the technical perspective and the wider production process ensures our yarns are fit for purpose, what ever their final use.Committed to a sustainable future, we specialise in wool fabric. All of our raw materials are ethically sourced from trusted farmers across the globe which is reinforced with our ISO 14001 2015 certification showing our commitment to the promotion and development of environmental best practice. We are proudly part of the SIL group, a vertically integrated group of specialist textile businesses who are recognised globally. With over 250 years of knowledge and experience, we are committed as a group with a strong sustainability, welfare and environmental ethos reflected with our 9001 Quality Management and ISO 14001 Environmental Management certification.
Ich fertige kunstvolle Paramente, Fahnen, Standarten, Fahnenbänder und veredele auch Alltagstextilien
Textilgestaltungsmanufaktur aus Bochum
Bereits seit dem Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts wird bei uns in Neustadt in Holstein der Blaudruck angefertigt, mittlerweile in der siebten Generation. In alter und überlieferter Handwerkskunst werden grafische Muster und Blumenmotive auf Leinen- und Baumwollstoff per Hand bedruckt. Aus einem Bestand von rund 700 alten Druckstöcken, sogenannten Modeln, werden kreative Muster zusammengestellt, um in Norddeutschlands einzig verbliebenem Färbermeisterbetrieb entwickelt und schließlich zu wunderschöner Tischwäsche und Vorhängen, Stoffbahnen und Kleidungsstücken weiterverarbeitet zu werden. Die J.H. Koch Werkstätten betreiben somit eine der letzten Textilhanddruck-manufakturen in Deutschland, in der individuell und auf den Kundenwunsch hin Einzigartiges entsteht.