Wildlife inspired handprinted linocuts, cards, stationery & homeware created by Curlew Cottage Design, Co Down, Northern Ireland – click here.
Wildlife inspired handprinted linocuts, cards, stationery & homeware created by Curlew Cottage Design, Co Down, Northern Ireland – click here.
solides Handwerk aus Stuttgart, Unsere handgefertigten Artikel unter der Kategorie Handmade sind Unikate
Bunt geflochtene Sessel und Stühle – perfekt für drinnen und draußen.
Woodworking Studio
Are you looking for individual products and don’t want to buy tons of different materials? With our DIY sets you get exactly what you need
Individuelle Unikate aus edlem Murano-Glas liebevoll von Hand in meiner Glasperlenwerkstatt Nordlicht hergestellt. Handgewickelte Glasperlen sind einzigartige Schmuckstücke mit außergewöhnlicher Ausstrahlung…
A unique range of laser-cut personalised gifts for all occasions
Our bustling workshop is nestled in the picturesque foothills of the Peak District. It’s a beautiful spot and the surrounding landscape inspires us in our work. If you’d like to see where we create our commissions and discuss your project requirements, we’d love to meet you. And, if you arrive for around 10am, you can even join us for tea and toast!To arrange a visit, please e-mail us on info@jackbadger.co.uk or call 01457 854440. Our office opening times are Monday to Thursday 8:00 – 17:00 and Friday 8:00 – 13:00.