Stoffe natürlich färben
Stoffe natürlich färben
Keramik selbst bemalen im schönsten Atelier Stuttgarts
Wir fertigen nach Ihren Vorstellungen: Tische, Bänke, Stühle…
Seit 1901
Deine Kunstgießerei im Herzen Münchens, spezialisiert auf traditionellen Guss im Wachsausschmelzverfahren in Bronze, Messing, Aluminium und Silber.
Unikate in Porzellan und Steinzeug von der Münchner Keramikerin Elke Bauer.
Lavorazione del Legno e del Cuoio in Stile Fiorentino.
Artistic works made by hand in wood and leather, florentine style. From 1300 Handcraftsmen our own production export
Ceramica d’Arte. Boutique en ligne de céramique artisanale. Chaque est entièrement façonnée à la main sans moulage dans mon atelier de céramique à Tours. Faïence dorée à l’or fin, sculpture animalière, céramique décorative et utilitaire, bougies parfumées, bijoux.
Explore the harmony of nature crafted into unique ceramic creations. Welcome to the realm of Terre Nude
di Falli Simone
– Contemporary hand-weaving
– Natural fibers
– Slow fashion
The Bolthole was established in the Summer of 2019 when I, Debra Harris, an interior designer met textile designer Sarah Fennell and discovered a common design ethos. We decided to share a studio at Maws Craft Centre in the Ironbridge Gorge in Shropshire and to explore our shared interest in sourcing vintage furniture, fabric and furnishings. Our studio became a hub for creatives looking to uncover new ways of making a home with old things. Passionate about introducing people to traditional and heritage crafts and encouraging the re-use of beautiful, well-made vintage pieces, we launched a programme of design and upcycling workshops. These quickly took off and soon created the need for more space than our little studio could offer.